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Kanyama,Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
Grace of Calvary Baptist Church meets under ragged tarps beside the
home of Mike Njovu, a church member. A wind storm blew this down in Dec.
2003, and a better shelter was constructed as a replacement.
Kanyama,Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
The congregation of Grace of Calvary Baptist Church
Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
Joyful singing at the Garden congregation of the Presbyterean Church in
Africa. Denominational labels do not mean much here- this church was much closer to Pentacostal than
Kafue, Zambia, 2003
Photo op after delivering a weekday afternoon message in rural Zambia
Kanyama, Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
Although Africans have embraced (insofar as they can afford it) the modern technological world
(everybody has a cell-phone), the witch doctor's craft remains prevalent.
Chikumbi, Zambia, 2003
After several days of hut-to-hut evangelism, pastors prepare a venue
for starting a new congregation tomorrow.
Kanyama, Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
Children at World Baptist Community School posing with donated dental
supplies from Texas. These and greater gifts were brought by a former
missionary (no connection to Frontline) returning to visit 30 years
Kanyama, Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
I spent a few weeks teaching math to these grade three children at
Bwanali Phiri's Christian school.
Chibunjyi, Zambia, 2003
Zambian ministry workers setting up to show an evangelistic film.
Chikumbi, Zambia, 2003
Team of Zambian pastors conducting several days of personal evangelism
in a rural location.
Kanyama, Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
View from the back row of the class I taught.
Kanyama, Lusaka, Zambia, 2003
Crowd gathering for crusade meetings organized by Kanyama Pastor's
Fellowship. (Ignore the camera date; it's date clock needed resetting)
Zambia, 2004
Teaching school children at Excellence Christian Academy about the life of Isaac.
Malawi, 2004
Teaching members of a rural village about the importance of founding Christian schools.
Sudan, 2004
Teaching a youth meeting about the first table of the Law of God.
Sudan, 2004
Timothy Keller, Frontline Field Director, delivering a lecture with animated
Sudan, 2004
Sunday school class in Mundri county.
Sudan, 2004
Bibles (New Testaments in the Moro language) and books (English school textbooks) delivered to the
Nuba Mountains.

Cape Town, South Africa, 2004
Samples of assorted educational materials we are going to deliver to our contacts throughout our trip.